Monday, September 29, 2008

Cookies and Prayer

So far so good today! Jason didn't have to go into work until one so that meant that I got to take a nice, morning nap after I got home from taking Brodie to school. It was SO nice! Very much needed and very much appreciated. I thought that when I stopped working as much, I would have so much time to do everything that I need to do. HA! I am so much more busy now that I ever was when I was working, but I do love it. I love that I'm the one who takes the boys to school and picks them up, I'm the one who cooks their meals, and I'm the one who tucks them in at nights. Honestly, I wouldn't trade that for all the naps in the world.

Later, I have to run by Target after I get Brodie from school and amidst all the stares I typically get when I take my children out by myself, I need to get the things to make rice crispy treats. I'm going to make those and also some no-bake cookies. Tomorrow night is Jason and I's night to bring snacks to our small group and since I'm preggo, they all get whatever sounds good to me and I have been cravings those two things badly. I'm sure they won't mind!!!

Church yesterday was AMAZING. It was a totally different service entirely focused on prayer and it's 4 components (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication) and we were called to try "30 Days of Prayer" and it came with a little book to guide you. I'm definitely going to do it. I some ways, I feel like my spiritual life is the most important things in my life. After all, were it not for God I would not have all of the wonderful blessings in my life: Jason, my boys, our new baby, my amazing extended family, etc. A lot of times thought, I feel like it takes a back seat to all of the things that I have to get done in a day. Instead of making it a top priority, it turns into a thing I do only I have time left and I am really looking to change that. I'm going to do this 30 days of prayer and am going to gradually work back up to the point where I am having a quiet time everyday like I used to.

We've got some busy, busy things coming up soon! From now until Christmas is going to FLY! We are taking the boys to the pumpkin patch on Saturday, October 24-26 we are going and staying in Columbia for MU's homecoming, Halloween night we are having our family costume party, November 7-9 Jason and I are going to a marriage retreat in Tan-Tar-A and then it will be Thanksgiving and Christmas before you know it!! What an exciting time of year!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Shedding our skin.

Jason said this to m the other day and I totally love it and agree with it. He said, "I feel like our family is shedding it's skin. Getting rid of all the bad things we don't need anymore leaving us with only the good." I feel like this is so true for us right now! First of all we got out of our duplex and have made plans with our landlord to pay off the money we owe on it. Honestly, that place had always been a struggle for us to afford and it feels like such a weight lifted that we are out of there! God provided us with a free home to live in which is amazing and something that we never thought was possible. It's like all of the pieces feel into place and we are where we should be right now. Secondly, we are going to be getting some of our medical bills done and over with. We don't have huge medical bills at all, but there are some and that is another cloud that has been hanging over our heads that will be taken care of very soon. We decided several years ago to NEVER have credit cards and we have done very well sticking by that. The only card we have is a Target card that has a $250 limit which we will keep, other than that we have NONE! So, basically (except for our van...which is actually a whole other story!!) we will be totally and completely debt free by the first of the year. What a wonderful start to the year and as we prepare to welcome our 5th blessing in the world. For the first time in a very, very long time I am hopeful about our future and I know things are going to be great! Oh, also last week Jason got his acceptance letter into college...he is finally going to follow his dreams and I couldn't be more proud !

Friday, September 26, 2008


My good friend, Heather, found out yesterday that she is pregnant with their second child!! I am over the moon excited for them. They have had a bit of a rough go not as rough as some, but still) and have been trying for about 9 months, I think. They are very special friends to us. Heather's husband, Kip, and my husband, Jason, have been friends since they were in grade school! My baby, Sawyer, and her baby, Gavyn, are only about 6 weeks apart and it looks like our next babies will be pretty close as well. I'm looking forward to being pregnant with her again!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Some tough qustions

Toddy after I picked Brodie up from school, we were talking in the car about his day like we always do and then he started in with some tough questions.He's at an age now where I'm not surprised that he is starting to ask these things. First of all he asked why they don't talk about God or pray at his school (he goes to public school, but his preschool was at our church where Bible study and praying were a part of daily lessons).I told him it was because not everyone believed in God and then be asked why. I said that people are free to believe whatever they want and not just what we do. Th e asked what happens to people who don't believe in God. I told him that those people will not be with God since they do not believe in him. Then he said, "You mean with the devil?" and I said, "Yes". Then he said, "Well, Deacon and Truman believe in God, right?" I told him yes and that was that. I think he is getting closer to the point where he is going to ask Jesus to live in his heart and get baptised, that will be the proudest day of my life.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Life Group

I love these guys! They are a small group of 5 couples from my church, we are all in our mid-late twenties and early thirties and all of us married. Some of us have children (like The Calhoun's also have 4 little boys who are 5 and under!) and some of us don't. We get together once a week to do various things.Some nights we just have snack, hang out, and play board games. Some nights we do Bible study and have real, in depth talks. Other nights we volunteer at a local Salvation Army type place here in town sorting through donations. We have been meeting together for about 9-10 months now and I can honestly say that these people are my friends and I look forward to seeing them every Tuesday (and Sunday...and Wednesday!). Not only do I feel very close to them, but I feel like they help keep me on track spiritually which has been a wonderful thing in my life. I just feel very blessed that God has brought these wonderful people into my life.

FYI....this morning was not nearly as perfect as yesterday, but it was still pretty dang good!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Pretty much a perfect morning!

If all mornings could be like this morning, life would be grand! The boys got up early, on their own and didn't come wake Jason or I up. Brodie got breakfast for him, Deacon, and Truman while Sawyer still slept. I had their clothes laid out for them and after they ate they went and got dresses. They even put on their own shoes!!! When I got up, I went and got breakfast for Sawyer. When I went in the kitchen, their dishes were already in the sink and the table wiped up! They even brushed their teeth and combed their hair without being asked to do so a million times. The 3 older boys made their beds (!!!) and had their backpacks on and were lined up at the front door in plenty of time for us to leave to take everyone to school. Seriously...can all morning be this way ? Are they finally learning to do things without being told 100 times? What a bunch of sweetie pies!

Funny Boy Quote of the Day: Brodie got his school pictures back yesterday and he said,"Mom, I look so ugly. I look like Truman."

Monday, September 22, 2008

Job interview and dang landlords!!!

I had a job interview today and I think ti went pretty well. It was with Parents as Teachers to be a part time parent educator. Seems like a job I would really like and that would fit well with my lifestyle and the things I want for myself and my family. It has an uber flexible schedule which is one of the things that really appeals to me about it. I should know something by next week. I won't get my hopes up though....seems like I am always being let down. I'll just have to pray and leave it God.

I finally talked to our old landlord today, the one from our old duplex. What a bunch of morons they are and talk about horrible book keeping and communication skills! Here's a tip, never go through Coldwell Banker when are just a number to them, just a paycheck to them, and they keep horrible books!!! ANYWAY.... I got a deal worked out with them on the back rent they say we supposedly owe them. I think we could probably fight them on it in all honesty, but it is just not worth it! I will pay them the money and be DONE with them!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Soccer, Ren Fest, and Eclipse

Yesterday was Brodie's first soccer game and it was so cute to watch! He has played indoor soccer before, but this was the first year he has played real, out door soccer complete with shin guards and cleats. He was just running around out there and having such a fun time with his team. They don't officially keep score, but one of the boys on their team did and said that they won. It is fun to watch Brodie grow up and do new things, each stage he enters is my new favorite!

After soccer, we took the older 3 boys to the Ren Fest down in KC. We decided to leave Sawyer here in town with my grandma because he is not really old enough to enjoy it and it annoys me so badly when people take strollers to places like that. So we were able to have a lot of fun with Brodie, Deacon, and Truman. We rode down there with my mom and dad. Deacon and Truman rode an elephant, but Brodie didn't want to. I think they all loved the joust the most. They talked about that for the rest of the day and were still talking about it this morning. Of course they had to get their own swords and shields. (yes, made out of real wood....I'm sure I'll be regretting that purchase before too long!) They also had little stuffed swords and shields so we got one of each for Sawyer. It was a long, tiring day but the boys had a blast so what more could I ask for?

Last night, I finished reading "Eclipse" which is the 3rd book in Stephanie Meyers "Twilight" series. Oh, it was SO good! I just really love those books. Jason thinks I get all depressed when I read them because I wish he was a vampire or something stupid like that but that is not the case. It just makes me think back to when Jason and I were first together, I feel like we were like Edward and Bella. We were drawn to each other like magnets, the nights could not be over fast enough so I could see him again. I wanted nothing more than to spend all of my time with him and him with me. Not that I am not still totally in love with him, but once you get married and add real life and kids into the equation it makes it harder. I guess I just miss the innocence and simplicity of when we were young and first in love and that is why I sometimes seems sad when I read those books....

Funny Boy Quote of the Day: Truman kept asking if we were going to The Vegetable Place. Turns out he meant Renaissance Festivle!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Some days I wonder what the heck I am doing!

So, pretty much...I'm crazy! Ask Jason, ask my mom, ask my dad, ask ANYONE! I am a certifiable nut and some days that just does not mix well with having a large family. Today was an especially bad day for me for whatever reason. I woke up in a bad mood and it just quickly spiraled out of control. Seems like poor Jason is always the one who gets the brunt of my craziness...poor guy, good thing he loves me. Sometimes I feel like it is hard for me to see past all the chaos and see the true blessings I have. I see the peanut butter smears on the table, but don't stop to be thankful that we have food to eat. I see the fact that the boy's room is not cleaned up after the 500th time I asked them, but am not able to see how blessed we are to provided fun things for the boys to do. I'll admit it, I get overwhelmed A LOT! Just the day to day functions of having 4 kids is enough to drive a sane person mad!! 4 bowls of cereal, 4 cups of milk, 4 sets of clothes to get out, 4 sets of shoes to put on, etc, etc and that isn't even counting getting myself ready and that is just first thing in the morning!! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE having 4 (almost 5!) children and I do feel like God has called Jason and I to have a large family, but is it too much to ask to have 5 minutes of quiet in a day to collect my thoughts?!?

Funny Boy Quote of the Day: We saw a teenager walking down the street carrying a skateboard and the boys saw him. Deacon then proceeded to yell, "Look! It's Tony Hawk!" I'm sure it made that kid's day!!