Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Plan

I've been praying and thinking a lot about my purpose in life. Yes, I'm supposed to be a wife and mother and I love those 2 jobs! They are my main focus, after God, and I realize that nothing in my life can come before them or make me do those 2 jobs any less. So, first things first, I'm going to quit Parents as Teachers. That job is A LOT of work, for a little pay and results. It takes up a lot of my time and yet my paychecks are so small all I can think is "What is the point?". So, that has got to go! Second, I am going to go back to school starting in the summer. I'm going to start taking the pre-requisites I need to get into the nursing program. It will be a hard 3 years or so, but I would rather do it now and be done then put it off until the kids are way more active in school and other things. I'll still be done with school by the time Sawyer is ready for kindergarten! Once I'm done with school, I can still choose to work part time or full time and it can be pretty flexible. I will be able to get a lot of grants for school since we don't make a lot and have so many kids. That will allow me to take out small student loans that we can live off of while I am in school and use those like a "paycheck" for me. It's not ideal, because it will give us more debt but it will allow me to not have to work at all while I am in school and student loans have low interest rates anyway :) Ultimately this career will allow me to make more and still be at home a lot. Plus, I've always liked gross medical stuff I've always just been too scared of failure to try nursing but I'm going to do it this time! In the more immediate future, we will hopefully be moving soon. We are going to try and keep our lives as simple as possible!


Carla said...

Congrats on making the decision to givne up something that wasn't really fulfilling for you. I think nursing school is a great idea. I started when #2 was 6 months old, and graduated 10 days before #3 was born. I started midwifery school when #5 was 5 weeks old. Hmm, I seem to make major life changes around new babies. LOL
Yeah, it's hard sometimes, to go to school when they are so little, but I imagine it would be so much harder when they are older and involved in more activities.

Good luck!

Perogyo said...

I think you will make a fabulous nurse!